演講公告『Kampo-Japanese traditional medicine in Japanese Pharmaceutical Education』

主題:日本藥科大學 Nanae Itokazu 教授演講
演講題目:Kampo-Japanese traditional medicine in Japanese Pharmaceutical Education
時間:2021/04/16 中午:12:10~13:00
地點:水湳卓越大樓 (待公布)
調查時間截止日期:3/28/2021 17:00


Profile of professor:Nanae ITOKAZU Ph.D.
Junior Associate Professor of Nihon Pharmaceutical University, Division of Kampo Pharmaceutical Sciences and Curator of NPU Kampo Museum. She graduated from Tokyo University Pharmaceutical department and earned Ph.D from Medical department for her study about pharmacological effects of Kampo medicines. Then she worked at National Institute of Health Sciences Department of Pharmacognosy as a researcher of regulatory science about Kampo. Now she comes and goes between NPU and CMU 都築伝統薬物研究中心and working in comparing the ways in usage of traditional medicines in Japan and in Taiwan.